Thursday, December 10, 2009

From NYC to The Sunshine State???

How come so many New Yorkers are moving to Florida...Especially South Florida....???

From NYC to The Sunshine State???opera house

Everyone wants to be someplace they're not.

From NYC to The Sunshine State???dream theater opera theaterBesides I asked real New yorkers not wannabees Report It

Remember, the last syllable in Florida is 'duh'! Report It

We're trying to raise the median IQ here. After all, since the average native born Floridian has an IQ of around 13 on a good day with the wind at his/her back rolling downhill, it's necessary. We're having a little problem communicating however, due to the high incidence of extreme stupidity in Floriduh. And it's not actually the Sunshine State. That's rather like comparing a campfire to a volcano. It's more like the Blisteringly Hot, Unbearably Humid, Stay Indoors Seven Months of the Year for Your Own Good State.
That's a good question! Why do they? They put down the south but can't wait to get here every time they go on vacation or retire. I've been all over America many times and i've got alot of friends in Florida that want to leave now because it's turning into an over crowded place.
the weather, New Yorkers love hurricanes

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