Thursday, December 10, 2009

Do you hate the sunshine?

I can't stand it because it's too bright. I like cloudy, rainy days, and stormy days better. I get happy especially when it storms :)

Do you hate the sunshine?ballet

There are currently 582,174 Seattle residents who think you're nuts.

Nome, AK, likewise.

Myself, I like variety and seasons. Just can't stand boring gray days. They always need to be spiced up with some thunder and lightning. If my old aching joints have to put up with dank and damp, I at least want to get a show out of it...

Do you hate the sunshine?globe theater opera theater

I absolutly hate the sunshine, its really bright and its disgusting. I live in Adelaide and it has been 35 degrees and over for 2 weeks straight!!! omfg!....But i adore the rain and love storms and clouds! which i have not seen for like months.
I love the warmth and the light of the sun.
Sometimes i do, I prefer a massive rain storm to put an end of this drought in Australia.
i love you! i am so exaclty the same!

one day it was sunny..and i told my friend man this weather is crap, its depressing me..and shes liek what! its so nice, sun makkes me happy!

and im like why its always sunny its so much nicer and refresing when its cool windy and grey out
i stormy days also
I like any weather except snow!!!'s snowing........
No, I don't.
hot-sunny days,with good shades, brings good storms at night- love a good thunder/lightning storm ; )
You sound like a joy to be around! Man, give me sunshine and a private spot and I'll lay there just worshipping that thing au naturel.
I love the sunny skies!!! Its gorgeous out right now %26lt;3 I just love it, lol
The rain actually depresses me. I would rather have sunshine over rain any day. I just hate when it's sunny outside and I don't have any money to do anything fun.
As long as it's not too hot...
like you, I prefer overcast, grey, gloomy days. I love a stormy day. Its odd to hear that someone feels the same way I do. What I hate even more is when there is snow on the ground and the sun comes out and is shining brightly...
Sunshine makes me happy we only have a few months of it here
No, I like the sun, that's why I moved to Florida!
I agree with you.

Today especially. I am hungover and the suns rays burn to my very soul...

mwah ha ha ha....(dunno why I added that)
umm nope
I like sunshine, but when its too hot i dont really like it.
ONLY WHEN I'M I BED.........
No l don't. you live where it snows? if so..than i am surprised. After weeks upon weeks of nothing but snow storms and would change your tune real quick about sunshine. I like storms as well, but you won't ever hear me say i can not stand sunshine.
I like the sun a lot, especially because we haven't had much lately, so it's special when we do. But I love rainy/ stormy days. Curling up with a good book during a thunderstorm is awlays fun. Especially when the light go out and you have to use candles. I do love the snow, but we've had so much of it that I'm ready for a change.

So I'd have to say that although I love cloudy, rainy days, and stormy days, I really do like the sunshine.
yeah especially in spring with a little breeze =D
No. I live in Florida so I love the Sunshine.
I would rather have sunshine than snow.
i like the sun. it makes me happy.
I love the sun at this time of the year.

But I never can go outside without sunglasses on.

The long sunny bluesky days of summer depress me and I want rain sooooo much.

I do love stormy days. Especially Sundays.
Me too :)
i like a good mix of sunny and rainy
noo ! i want sunshinee !! where im at, its freezing cold ):

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